Wow yeah that would depend on a lot of things. Some thoughts that help 
me narrow down prospects like that:

Am I doing all of the subcomponents in MXML? If so I could manage it 
with States perhaps using addChild. Pass the state in on 
instantiation/show/creationComplete, etc.
Am I doing all of the subcomponents in AS3? Then I can dynamically 
instantiate things on the fly depending on those requirements.
Whether or not I actually use the states tags, are their actual "states" 
with shared components? If so I might make a set of flags. If flag x is 
present, add component x, or if y is present, add y.

But it depends on how detailed it needs to be, and how convoluted the 
solution might be. It might be better not to put it ALL in one 
component, but have one component that loads subsections as well. It all 
depends on what you need. And, just a caveat, I am not a Flex guru. They 
might pine in with much better solutions.


tchredeemed wrote:
> I have a situation in which I am currently using a very ugly set up to 
> get the job done, but I want to change this (will explain) and I am 
> looking for some insight.
> The process is this.
> A user gets to a piece of our app and they are presented with some 
> options. The options are very different depending on which route they 
> take to get there.
> For instance, they might see a checkbox about saving a piece of their 
> file as a note.
> They might see a set of radio buttons to order different quantities 
> (in this case the price can change depending on which radio button is 
> selected [the price is on the same screen]).
> They might see a mailing address or an email address, depending on the 
> medium of the item they are purchasing.
> Basically, the options vary greatly, so I currently have a different 
> custom component depending on which they are using.
> I want to be able to use one component and have different options on 
> that component, but I am not sure of an efficient way to do it.
> I know this is random and probably not easily answered without a 
> specific understanding of the system, but I thought I would ask :)

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