Having one component with different states or a viewstack with all of the 
options may be attractive for a few variants, but I'd probably go for 
instantiating a specific UI interface once it's known which is required. You 
could either base the UI variants off a common ancestor, or use a common 

In flex it makes little difference if a component is created from MXML or 

Given the clear uncertainty that you have I would suggest an initial 
implementation with a couple of UI variants and see how well it works for 
you rather than try and get the whole thing right first time.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Wills" <mich...@mawills.com>
To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Architecture / Design question...

> Wow yeah that would depend on a lot of things. Some thoughts that help
> me narrow down prospects like that:
> Am I doing all of the subcomponents in MXML? If so I could manage it
> with States perhaps using addChild. Pass the state in on
> instantiation/show/creationComplete, etc.
> Am I doing all of the subcomponents in AS3? Then I can dynamically
> instantiate things on the fly depending on those requirements.
> Whether or not I actually use the states tags, are their actual "states"
> with shared components? If so I might make a set of flags. If flag x is
> present, add component x, or if y is present, add y.
> But it depends on how detailed it needs to be, and how convoluted the
> solution might be. It might be better not to put it ALL in one
> component, but have one component that loads subsections as well. It all
> depends on what you need. And, just a caveat, I am not a Flex guru. They
> might pine in with much better solutions.
> Michael
> tchredeemed wrote:
>> I have a situation in which I am currently using a very ugly set up to
>> get the job done, but I want to change this (will explain) and I am
>> looking for some insight.
>> The process is this.
>> A user gets to a piece of our app and they are presented with some
>> options. The options are very different depending on which route they
>> take to get there.
>> For instance, they might see a checkbox about saving a piece of their
>> file as a note.
>> They might see a set of radio buttons to order different quantities
>> (in this case the price can change depending on which radio button is
>> selected [the price is on the same screen]).
>> They might see a mailing address or an email address, depending on the
>> medium of the item they are purchasing.
>> Basically, the options vary greatly, so I currently have a different
>> custom component depending on which they are using.
>> I want to be able to use one component and have different options on
>> that component, but I am not sure of an efficient way to do it.
>> I know this is random and probably not easily answered without a
>> specific understanding of the system, but I thought I would ask :)
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