We have tried many many things, and seem to have narrowed it down to the 
session headers and the cache control. However all most all of the posts and 
notes around the web seem to get this issue arising with HTTPService calls that 
spawn a #2032 streaming error and not what we are seeing. Tracking the calls 
with Charles for instance seems to indicate that the call to the gateway is 
never actually being made. We discounted any crossdomain issues (the webroot 
and the gateway are on different servers) as the sandbox violation errors did 
not appear at all.

So if anyone out there can shed some light on this we would be most 
appreciative. Or conversely if you can get every person in the world to upgrade 
their browsers beyond IE6 that would be awesome too.

 bubbles = false
 cancelable = true
 currentTarget = (null)
 eventPhase = 2
 fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#1
   content = (Object)#2
   errorID = 0
   faultCode = "Client.Error.MessageSend"
   faultDetail = "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: 
Failed: url: 'https://mydomain.com/amfphp/gateway.php'"
   faultString = "Send failed"
   message = "faultCode:Client.Error.MessageSend faultString:'Send failed' 
faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: 
Failed: url: 'https://mydomain.com/amfphp/gateway.php''"
   name = "Error"
   rootCause = (mx.messaging.events::ChannelFaultEvent)#3
     bubbles = false
     cancelable = false
     channel = (mx.messaging.channels::SecureAMFChannel)#4

PLEASE, help me... the whole application i'm working on depend on that.


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