My problem is simple,
In my TreeTable The ItemRenderer show me only one level.
When I click the parent it will show only the level beneath it,
although it has childrens, WHY??? 
When I use depth, I can see the tree but it doesnt activate the ItemRenderer.
How can I set the Itemrenderer to manipulate and show ALL branches?

Please advice guys, I have been looking every where but couldnt find a solution.

Thanks in advance

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "yossi.baram" <yossi.ba...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a greate example in the following link that allows us to create 
> simple hirarchical grid with AdvancedDataGrid, implementing IHierarchicalData.
> http://inovativeflexdevolopment.blogspot.com/2008/07/flex3-dynamic-population-of-data-in.html
> I couldnt find a way to include ItemRenderer using this kind of dataProvider,
> I tried everything but all I get when using a simple ItemRenderer is a flat 
> tree with no hirarchy :(
> Please please advice
> Thanks
> Jo

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