I was wondering if anyone has seen an example or can tell me if I am on the 
correct track regarding datatips.

What I am trying to achieve is create a line chart with two data series, thus 
two lines. The chart height will be low, like Edward Tuft's sparklines (google 
it if you aren't familiar). 

When the user mouses over the chart I want to send both data point of data for 
both the series to a datatip function. I then want nothing to show up for the 
datatip (blank and no gray lines forking out), as I am sending that hitData 
info to a function that displays the data series points on another panel.  

So far I have created a custom dataTipRenderer, that is empty, but I still get 
the gray lines forking out point to my empty/blank renderer. So it looks like a 
gray line sticking out to nothing. Second issue is that I always want both 
series to send their data to my datatip function. Sometimes it sends both if 
the mouse pointer happens to touch both lines.

I was thinking if I make a custom mouse pointer for just the chart that is a 
long vertical line it will always touch both data points, which solves that 
problem. Unless anyone has another idea?

The second issue with the gray forking lines I can't seem to get rid of those 
little suckers.

Any ideas?

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