Rick and Fotis,

Thanks for your suggestions. It was the fact that none of the
visual/redrawing actions you discuss were going on that mystified me. The
problem was elsewhere.

And Rick, I didn't post code because the problem seemed to involve the
interaction of a whole stack of view components.

The problem, however, was not in the Flex application at all, but rather in
some other things that were going on with the machine. What appeared to be a
rather constant high usage from Flex was in fact a rather normal spike in
CPU usage from the Flex app, that under normal conditions would be
momentary. Other processes were causing the Flex app to hang fire, making it
seem as if Flex was creating a constant load.

Thanks again for your suggestions. And I apologize for misinterpreting the

But ... it was a messy problem. Just glad I finally figured out what was



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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