Tom ­ no problem. If you find that this is highly reproducible.... I¹d be
interested to know how the operating system Œdrag¹ is generated.

Rick Winscot

On 5/27/09 9:00 AM, "Tom McNeer" <> wrote:

> Rick and Fotis,
> Thanks for your suggestions. It was the fact that none of the visual/redrawing
> actions you discuss were going on that mystified me. The problem was
> elsewhere.
> And Rick, I didn't post code because the problem seemed to involve the
> interaction of a whole stack of view components.
> The problem, however, was not in the Flex application at all, but rather in
> some other things that were going on with the machine. What appeared to be a
> rather constant high usage from Flex was in fact a rather normal spike in CPU
> usage from the Flex app, that under normal conditions would be momentary.
> Other processes were causing the Flex app to hang fire, making it seem as if
> Flex was creating a constant load.
> Thanks again for your suggestions. And I apologize for misinterpreting the
> problem. 
> But ... it was a messy problem. Just glad I finally figured out what was
> happening.

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