I have created a Custom MXML
named PopupInfo.mxml component which is based from a TitleWindow.
Am using the MXMLC compiler
to compile my App.mxml into a SWF file and embed the same to my asp.net page.
The App.mxml file calls the
PopupInfo.mxml to display a Popup and I am calling it from App.mxml via the
following code:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
var winPopUpInfo:PopUpInfo =
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, PopUpInfo, true) as PopUpInfo;
How then do I compile the
App.mxml altogether with the PopUpInfo.mxml using the command line compiler?
Currently, when I compile
App.mxml, I only issue the following in the DOS Command Line prompt:
and the resulting App.swf
file, is the one which I embed to my web page.
How can I ensure then that
the PopUpInfom.mxml is also compiled using the command line compiler? 


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