Hi FlexCoders,

I have recently discovered the wonders of developing RIAs with Flex / 
FlexBuilder and have completely decided to use the same in further development 
efforts on my part.  With a little .NET knowledge, I decided to venture out on 
the path of Flex by combining it with some wisdom I gained from developing 
using .NET.

As I have been working a lot on business and data driven application, I tried 
to re-create one screen of an application which I have previously done in 
ASP.Net into Flex.  Nothing really fancy, just a simple screen which contains a 
datagrid listing of some parts references, with basic CRUD capabilities, sort 
and filter, and generation of report to print out the listing.

With tremendous resources coming from this group, I was able to accomplish a 
little application which does what I first intended to do:

1. Display data in a datagrid control.
2. Provide sort (built-in to the datagrid) and search and filter mechanism to 
the datagrid.
3. Provide basic CRUD capabilities to the application.
4. Generating a report for the datagrid.

Take note that the context of my application is a simple Flex on the front end, 
connnecting to a .NET webservice on the backend (for data/CRUD 
facilities/reporting facilities).  The SWF application is simply embedded on an 
HTML page (copying the HTML generated from the FlexBuilder IDE).

I was able to utilize the webservice, combined with Crystal Report (which comes 
built-in in Visual Studio) to create a report of the list which the application 
displays.  The report is processed and a PDF file is generated which I am 
opening with the Flex application via an ExternalInterface javascript call to 
open the said PDF file report in another browser window.  

The way I was able to accomplish this is a bit of a hack.  What I did was in my 
datagrid's provider, which is an ArrayCollection, I created a string, which is 
delimited by special characters to denote a field/column entry.  For Example I 
have the following data on my ArrayCollection:

ID Description
01 Lakers
02 Magic
03 Nuggets
04 Cavaliers
05 Celtics

What I did was then parse this data into a delimited string such that my string 
variable would look like:


This string, can be easily parsed in .NET using some simple string functions 
and be pushed to a Crystal Report document, to generate the desired report.

I feel that this is probably not the "BEST" way of doing this.  I tried 
initially to pass an XML delimmited string, but .NET seems to read XML 
differently(?) from Flex.  

I would certainly appreciate any comments and suggestions on the way to achieve 
this properly.  I am a bit lost on the XML data interchange between .NET and 
Flex.  I am looking to use the ArrayCollection but I am still uncertain on 
what/how I would match it with the .NET data type.

Looking forward to your inputs.  

Thanks and appreciating this group a lot,



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