Yes, a mushroom indeed - well put!  By the way, I found your posts about
your fun with the various ADG item renderers quite informative.  Though you
did leave me wishing for some source code of the working examples.

The problem here is that this data serves to link up different parts of the
UI.  It's so that many different pieces can look in one place and hook to
one set of variables.  It also serves as abstraction.  I have a chart that I
can instantiate any number of copies of (with different views of the data,
etc.)  I don't want this chart to have to have knowledge of this one fixed
grid.  The grid is also reused in a couple of different ways, so i don't
want the grid to be hardcoded to the chart.

It's the perils of abstraction and modularization.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Amy <> wrote:

> --- In <>, Pan
> Troglodytes <chimpathe...@...> wrote:
> >
> > 1) Yes, this works fine, for the display portion only. It doesn't address
> > the actual problem of needing to set a flag in the data that indicates it
> is
> > the currently highlighted one, that flag being also used by other things
> > that bind to the data that don't want to know about UI details like the
> > grid. In this case, I had a number of chart listeners that would toggle
> > series on/off depending on which one was highlighted in the grid.
> It seems to me that you'd be better off having a variable at the controller
> level that contains the item that was the last item associated with an
> itemRollOver event.
> > 2) There is no commitProperties on AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer. Perhaps
> > you meant validateProperties. In this example, it gets called only when
> the
> > grid is first displayed and not when any item is
> highlighted/de-highlighted
> > or selected/de-selected.
> Yes, I think that's a nasty little component because it has the
> functionality of a mushroom. I typically use a modified
> AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer to render all columns.
> > 3) Yes, the styleFunction does get called when the highlighted object
> > changes. But if you move the code to set data.highlighted there, you get
> > the same result! It just seems like anything that changes this bound
> > variable on every repaint of the cell is doomed to break the rollover
> > highlight.
> I wouldn't be trying to change the data itself in respons to a ui change,
> since it's almost inevitably going to trigger another ui change.
> HTH;
> Amy


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