Hello. I am new to action script and I am (pretty) confused. so any help is


--- issue 1

I have the follow code. and I get blank page. nothing is appeared on the
stage at all!!! For god's sake, what is wrong?




  import flash.display.Sprite;

  import mx.core.ButtonAsset;

  public class ASProject2 extends Sprite


    public function ASProject2()


      var mb: ButtonAsset = new ButtonAsset();

        mb.x=100; mb.y=100; mb.width=200;






--- issue 2

Which button is the more simple button to use?

I found the spark components button is the component that Flash Builder uses
if you write in mxml language. So I add the folder to my project's libraries
paths, in precise I added as SWC folder the follow folder:

    c:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Builder


Here is the (very simple) code (with compiler's errors):




  import flash.display.Sprite;

  import spark.components.Button;  // <- compile time error: 1172:
Definition spark.components:Button could not be found.

  public class ASProjectInFB4 extends Sprite


    public function ASProjectInFB4()


      var ab : Button = new Button();  // <- compile time error: 1046: Type
was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Button.











The problem (as you see) are the two compiler errors. Now. if get the cursor
on "Button" text in my code and I press the F3 the Flash Builder transfers
me to the declaration of Button class in the proper Button.as file! So I
suppose that my definition in my preceding code is correct. If I remove the
the SWC folder from the libraries of my project, the F3 buttons doesn't
transfer me anywhere, so the SWC folder definition is working too.


What is wrong?


Best regards



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