I think you are running into this issue: 

This was caused by a change made by Microsoft in Internet Explorer 8.  Flex 
Builder and Flash Builder launch their own instance of iexplore.exe, and when 
you click Terminate, they kill that process.  The problem is that as of IE8, 
when we launch iexplore.exe, the new iexplore.exe checks to see if there is 
already another instance of iexplore.exe.  If it finds one, it sends a message 
to the existing instance saying "open this URL," and then the new instance 

Flex Builder doesn't know that all this stuff is happening, so it tries to 
terminate the new process, but the new process is already gone.

I have fixed this in Flash Builder 4.  The fix was to launch Internet Explorer 
with the "-noframemerging" option, which tells it to open the URL in the new 
process rather than delegating to an existing process.

If you are on Flex Builder 3, I'm not quite sure how you would be able to work 
around this, other than the way you already found.

Hope that helps.

- Mike Morearty, Flash Builder team

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "brian.raymes" <brian.ray...@...> wrote:
> I have the same problem with Windows Vista and IE 8 (fairly certain it 
> happened with IE 7 as well).  Terminating or Terminate/Relaunch leaves behind 
> an instance of IE... Lame!
> I ended up downloading KillProcess from 
> http://www.beyondlogic.org/consulting/processutil/processutil.htm and wrote a 
> small bat file to kill all IE instances.  Placed it by my clock on the start 
> bar and walla!  I now use it to kill IE in-between flex debugging sessions.
> I would really like to know if anyone has a better fix, say, Eclipse actually 
> terminating the browser session like it should...
> Brian
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rick Schmitty <flexcode@> wrote:
> >
> > I recently upgraded to windows 7 and the other day I noticed my
> > computer running terribly slow.  At first I went to blame win7 but
> > after looking at my task manager I had about 100 iexplore.exe
> > instances going... Killing them all brought the machine back to
> > normal.  I use FF as my browser but I debug with IE since the window
> > closes after I stop a debug session, or so I thought.  Watching the
> > task manager I launched a debug session and 2 iexpore instances were
> > launched.  Terminating the debug session and only 1 of them are
> > removed.  I hit debug/terminate a few more times and saw I had that
> > many more instances of iexplore running
> > 
> > I tried 'Run as Administrator' but same effect
> > 
> > Using FB3 plugin to Eclipse 3.4.2
> > 
> > Any configuration I am missing?
> >

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