The Scrap blog canvas is most likely... well, a canvas or container. Dragging items from a list onto the canvas would just be like adding a new child to the canvas [I presume]. I've used scrap blog very little, but I would not be surprised if they have wrote a "Z-order manager" style class to control what shows on top of other things.

If you drag an item off the list based class, I Would expect the selectedIndex would reset to -1; the unselected state.
Loud Jazz wrote:
Thanks. The component I'm looking for can be found at, the user can drag and drop items from the list onto the 'canvas'. The items can overlap and layer. Presumably when adding a new layer, the corresponding bound object in the data provider is at the highest index.

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:50:38 -0700
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Layered ListBase component

As far as I can tell, List does almost exactly what you are after. The only caveat is your last sentence 'The depth of the display objects is bound to the data provider indexing.'.

The ItemRenderers of all List controls are re-used within the control, so the display objects are not at all connected to the index. Nor would you want to, if you had hundreds or thousands of items in your control. It seems as though this is a somewhat surmountable issue.

Check out the 'dragEnabled', 'dropEnabled' and 'dragMoveEnabled' properties of the list controls for more information.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 10:27 AM, method_air <> wrote:


    I am looking for a component (presumably extending ListBase) that
    allows objects to be dropped inside of it, and positioned where
    they are dropped (kind of like a stage or root timeline). The
    depth of the display objects is bound to the data provider indexing.

    Does such a component exist?



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