I just noticed the ObjectUtil.clone() method, new for Flex SDK 4.

    public static function clone(value:Object):Object
        var result:Object = copy(value);
        cloneInternal(result, value);
        return result;

    private static function cloneInternal(result:Object, value:Object):void
        result.uid = value.uid;
        var classInfo:Object = getClassInfo(value);
        var v:Object;
        for each (var p:* in classInfo.properties) 
            v = value[p];
            if (v && v.hasOwnProperty("uid")) 
                cloneInternal(result[p], v);

UID is discussed here: 

The clone() docs say "clone() differs from copy() in that the uid property of 
each object instance is retained."  Is that not true for ObjectUtil.copy() 

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