It depends on how you are communicating with the CFC.

If you are using the remoting protocols, then how those channels are configured 
is what counts.  Just because the swf is served thru HTTPS doesn't mean your 
data will be IF you are using the AMF channels.  I have used (in test) https 
channels under an http web server. If you want secure data transmission under 
AMF then you need to create and use a secure channel.  

If you are using other means (wsdl, URL, parameters, etc.) to move data back 
and forth, then the web server protocol comes into play.

It would be nice for someone from Adobe to comment on this, especially with 
some sort of overview of the differences between CF8 and CF9.  I'm going to 
have to move soon to CF9 and you've already found one difference in the 
services-conf.xml file (the endpoints) that I'm going to have to deal with.

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Laurence 
  Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 3:16 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Security issues SOLVED. (Mostly...)

  So, you're saying that serving the .SWF via HTTPS won't automatically make 
all my ColdFusion calls through HTTPS? Like, I can have the majority of my 
calls through HTTP, and just secure the couple of calls that need to be secured?

  I thought if you served the .SWF via HTTPS, all the calls to CF were 
automatically sent through HTTPS?


  --- In, "valdhor" <valdhorli...@...> wrote:
  > An Idea...
  > Put the SWF on the HTTPS Server. There will be a one time hit as the user 
loads the SWF. Place your secure calls to the same HTTPS server. Place the 
other calls to an HTTP server.
  > I don't know how or even if that would work but it's worth a try.
  > --- In, "Laurence" <LMacNeill@> wrote:
  > >
  > > Yes but HTTPS is *so* much slower than HTTP... Some of the data that we 
don't need secured can get as high as 50,000 records... I only need one 
credit-card number per account secured. Not much data at all...
  > > 
  > > So how, exactly, does setting the secure="false" tag open it up to 
snooping or spoofing? I still don't really get that... I mean, it's still using 
HTTPS over the secure ColdFusion channel I created, right? Wouldn't that still 
be secure?
  > > 
  > > And if setting the secure="false" tag removes all HTTPS security, then 
why bother offering the ability to create secure channels in ColdFusion? I 
mean, if you're serving the .SWF over HTTPS, then all channels are 
automatically secure, yes? So the only point of having a separate secure 
channel is to do exactly what I'm trying to do... Why offer that, if it's not 
truly secure? I'm still confused...
  > > 
  > > L.
  > > 
  > > 
  > > --- In, "valdhor" <valdhorlists@> wrote:
  > > >
  > > > 
  > > > 
  > > > 
  > > > From the Adobe Help files:
  > > > ======================================================================
  > > > Each <allow-access-from> tag also has the optional secure attribute, 
which defaults to true. You can set the attribute to false if your policy file 
is on an HTTPS server, and you want to allow SWF files on a non-HTTPS server to 
load data from the HTTPS server.
  > > > 
  > > > Setting the secure attribute to false could compromise the security 
offered by HTTPS. In particular, setting this attribute to false opens secure 
content to snooping and spoofing attacks. Adobe strongly recommends that you 
not set the secure attribute to false.
  > > > 
  > > > If data to be loaded is on a HTTPS server, but the SWF file loading it 
is on an HTTP server, Adobe recommends that you move the loading SWF file to an 
HTTPS server so that you can keep all copies of your secure data under the 
protection of HTTPS.
  > > > ======================================================================
  > > > 
  > > > If I needed secure access, I would move everything over to https.
  > > > 
  > > > The only other thing I could suggest is to use encryption. Check out 
AS3Crypto ( Of course, if you serve the 
SWF over HTTP, someone could analyze the SWF and find the encryption key. 
Again, for security reasons, I would move everything over to https.
  > > > 
  > > > --- In, "Laurence" <LMacNeill@> wrote:
  > > > >
  > > > > So, here's my crossdomain.xml in its final form:
  > > > > 
  > > > > <cross-domain-policy>
  > > > > <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" />
  > > > > 
  > > > > <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="" 
headers="*" secure="false"/>
  > > > > <allow-access-from domain="" secure="false" />
  > > > > 
  > > > > </cross-domain-policy>
  > > > > 
  > > > > This allows all the stuff on the SecureColdFusion channel I created 
to work just fine, as long as I access the site from "" and not 
from "localhost" or "myserver01" (its NetBIOS name).
  > > > > 
  > > > > Even if I put <allow-access-from domain="localhost"/> (or 
domain="myserver01"/>) in there, it still won't allow access from localhost (or 
myserver01), because the security certificate is issued to -- the 
names don't match, so the browser/Flash/CF rejects it. (I don't know exactly 
which one is rejecting it, but somewhere along the line it's being rejected 
because of the name-mismatch.)
  > > > > 
  > > > > The only way that I can see to change that behavior is to create two 
more virtual websites that point to the same location, and give each of those 
virtual sites their own certificate (one assigned to "myserver01" and one 
assigned to "localhost". Otherwise, I can't access the app on my local server 
if the Internet goes down. Yuck. (If anyone knows a better way, I'm all ears.)
  > > > > 
  > > > > The one thing that still bothers me about this setup is the 
'secure="false"' tags. I cannot get a straight answer as to exactly what this 
does to my security. It enables http .SWFs to access https data, sure. But does 
that mean it's disabling all https when it does that? Or does it mean that it 
is secure during transit over the Internet, but not when it's being held in the 
Flex app? Or does it mean something entirely different? There is no site that 
has a direct answer to this -- they all just say "it's not recommended due to 
security issues," or something along those lines. But they don't specify WHAT 
security issues there are. I need to know -- I can't serve my entire app over 
an https connection because it'll be too slow, but I must have secure access to 
some of the data...
  > > > > 
  > > > > So if anyone can answer the 'secure="false"' question specifically, I 
would be very grateful.
  > > > > 
  > > > > Thanks,
  > > > > L.
  > > > >
  > > >
  > >


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