At 11:24 PM 3/2/2010, you wrote:
>First, let me say that I have been roundly criticized for taking the 
>approach of NOT using VOs.
>Second, I use .NET & FluorineFX.

Yes, well, unfortunately it's way too late in this project to change 
our back-end.  It's gonna be CF9...  Period...  My bosses would 
*kill* me if I went to them now and said "Hey, you know all that 
money we spent on CF?  Well, it was a complete waste."  Yeah -- that 
won't go over well...  Besides, they're already using CF on their 
production servers, and they're quite familiar with it.  It's not 
going to change...  .NET and Flourine are out...  Sorry...

So there has to be a way to do this with CF9.  I just haven't found 
it yet...  I'm still hoping to get a response here with regards to that...

>If one were clever, using the approach above, one could create a 
>Flex app that requests a table structure from the DB, and builds a 
>data entry screen on the fly. You may want a "schema" table that 
>contains data validation type info that would be read in conjunction 
>with the table structure to allow edits to be performed by flex.

I have no clue how to do that...  I don't know what a "schema" table 
is...  I have heard of the term "schema," but that's pretty much as 
far as my knowledge goes...  How do you create a "schema" table?  And 
how can I get CF9 to deal with it?

I do like the idea of building the data-entry screen on-the-fly, 
though -- that's probably what we're going to have to do...  I've 
actually already done that with one part of the program that deals 
with a variable number of fields that are all the same general 
type...  I guess I'll just have to migrate that to the rest of the 
program, to deal with these dynamic VOs.  (That is, if someone will 
ever tell me exactly how to create one...)

>By the way, my main reason for resisting the VO structure, is I 
>thought that keeping multiple copies of the VO in sync would be a 
>PITA. Anytime you modified a table you need to modify at least two 
>VOs, and potentially recompile middle tier and presentation layer programs.

Well, that does seem to be exactly the problem I'm running into 
here...  And I've still not heard anything from anyone about creating 
dynamic VOs.  I've read a couple of things about creating bindable 
dynamic objects, but I just can't figure out how to "change" that 
into a VO that gets passed back and forth between Flex and CF9.  If I 
could figure that part out, then this might work...  So, does anyone 
know how to create such an animal?

Alternatively, there was a suggestion earlier that I use an 
associative array within my VO to grab the "changed" fields.  I said 
that I'd never been able to get CF to return such an array, but I got 
no response on that...  Can anyone tell me how to get CF9 to return 
an associative array within a VO?  In case there's just no other way 
to do it...

This MUST be a common problem here...  Databases DO change all the 
time.  You can't tell me that Adobe hasn't created a secure way to 
deal with this...  Someone out there must know how to do what I'm 
trying to do here...  At this point, I'm willing to pay for the 
answer.  I've got to figure this out. And soon!


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