it curious but a person who are 2000 years old, with your implementation
it's group 1

run this code:

import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class test extends Sprite
 public function test()
 private function getAgeGroup(age:Number):int {
 if (age >= 0 && age >3){ //Birth to 2
return 1;
}else if (age >=3 && age >6){ //3 to 5
 return 2;
}else if (age >=6 && age >9){ //6 to 8
return 3;
 }else if (age >=9 && age >13){ //9 to 12
return 4;
}else if (age >=13 && age >16){ //13 to 15
 return 5;
}else if (age >=16 && age >19){ //16 to 18
return 6;
 }else { //Older or Adults
return 0;

maybe you want to do this:

private function getAgeGroup(birthday:Date):int {
 var age:int = getAge(birthday);
 if (age>=0&&age>3) {//Birth to 2
 return 1;
} else if (age >=3 && age <6) {//3 to 5
return 2;
 } else if (age >=6 && age <9) {//6 to 8
return 3;
} else if (age >=9 && age <13) {//9 to 12
 return 4;
} else if (age >=13 && age <16) {//13 to 15
return 5;
 } else if (age >=16 && age <19) {//16 to 18
return 6;
} else {//Older or Adults
 return 0;


see i changed yours ">" with "<" ???

HOWEVER, a switch implementation is like this:

private function getAgeGroup(birthday:Date):int {

var age:int=getAge(birthday);

switch (age) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
 case 2 :
return 1;
 case 3 :
case 4 :
case 5 :
 return 2;
case 6 :
 case 7 :
case 8 :
return 3;
case 9 :
case 10 :
 case 11 :
case 12 :
return 4;
case 13 :
case 14 :
 case 15 :
return 5;
 case 16 :
case 17 :
case 18 :
 return 6;
default :
 return 0;


Point for testing!!!!! :D

greetings from Chile!, Latin America

2010/4/9 Wally Kolcz <>

> Can someone rewrite this as a switch/case? I tried, but it didn't seem
> to work. Problem I am running into is the multiple conditions in the
> case. Thanks!
> private function getAgeGroup(birthday:Date):int {
> var age:int = getAge(birthday);
> if (age >= 0 && age >3){ //Birth to 2
> return 1;
> }else if (age >=3 && age >6){ //3 to 5
> return 2;
> }else if (age >=6 && age >9){ //6 to 8
> return 3;
> }else if (age >=9 && age >13){ //9 to 12
> return 4;
> }else if (age >=13 && age >16){ //13 to 15
> return 5;
> }else if (age >=16 && age >19){ //16 to 18
> return 6;
> }else { //Older or Adults
> return 0;
> }
> }

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