Steve is employing several tactics used by politicians. The iphone is not
“open”. Their app store is a money making machine and they guard it
fiercely. If their web browser was able to deliver flash content, there
would be no need to deliver apps as you could just have a set of bookmarks
of flash apps.

How much money have they made off silly little animated games selling for
$1.99 that were developed YEARS ago in flash that had to be redeveloped for
their platform? And they have control over approving what apps are allowed.

He says that apple gave adobe some  support to make a flash player for the
mac… if that is the case perhaps those engineers purposely made it buggy on
their platform so people wouldn’t want to use flash? It’s no coincidence
that they are driving the “html 5” standard to fit within their own
codebase, which gives their developers a lead since they are the ones
writing the code that interprets/renders that content and others will have
to do the slower reverse-engineering which puts their platforms behind in
the race. Every inch counts.


Personally, I’m switching from my iphone to nexus… html 5 does not have
anywhere near the level of development tools that flash does… when my phone
can run an air app I will be a very happy camper indeed. I would bet all the
money in my bank account that we will have flash on a phone this year, so
just hold tight. 


Don’t drink Steve’s koolaid guys… he’s declared war and the tactics he’s
using, the insults he’s throwing about adobe not being “open” and so on…
they are just plain immature.

When the iphone first came out I loved it. I put an apple sticker on my
motorcycle helmet after having been a PC guy my entire life. But now.. now
I’m tearing that sticker off. I am shamed to represent this man.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Leonardo Moreno Guzmán
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 1:09 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Thoughts on Flash by Steve Jobs



Hi, I want to share this (
with the people who hasn't read it before and maybe read your comments on
this topic.

Please excuse my poor English.


Leonardo Moreno Guzmán



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