I think ( just a guess ) - they want to avoid different implementations of the 
flash player - with different players supporting different features... that 
could cause problems ( sounds like a headache to me ) ... however - if they can 
avoid that - it could then also be a question of revenue. i think an open 
source player - controlled by 'adobe' could be a great thing. 

Also, one thing i have been wondering about lately, and can't think of an 
answer... Director shockwave was quite fast and had ok 3D ( a little out of 
date now ). Used to really like director... 

why can't do the same with the flash player today... i know historically they 
want to keep distributable file size low - and reach the lowest common 
denominator - however - i just wonder why is this not achievable now days...

- k

On 4 May 2010, at 00:19, Baz wrote:

> I don't know much about how to answer this, so I'm not trying to take a 
> position or anything: purely out of curiosity, what would Adobe lose if Flash 
> were open sourced? Is it that competitors would more easily be able to make 
> competing IDEs?
> Cheers,
> Baz

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