use arraycollection as the dataprovider. also set [Bindable] tag before the

Akshar Kaul

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 15:18, Nick Middleweek <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a ComboBox with it's dataProvider set to an Array( "=", "<>", ">",
> "<" );
> If a TextInput is changed, I want to change (or update) the ComboBox
> dataProvider to use this Array( "=", "<>" );
> And if that TextInput is blank (""), then I want to switch it back to
> Array( "=", "<>", ">", "<" );
> I've tried declaring two private var arrays and switching the
> ComboBox.dataProvider on the change event of the TextInput but strange
> things happening and it seems the dataProvider isn't refreshed properly
> until I clicked on the ComboBox and select an item. I've tried using
> validateNow.
> Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> Nick
> --
> Sent by Nick Middleweek ( { email:, blog:
> } );

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