Yes Apologies...I think I typed before I thought about this some more.

Flex 2.0.1 SDK To Flex 4 SDK(I guess I was stuck on the name change from flex 
builder 2 to Flash builder 4)...I dunno.

Yes I downloaded Flash Builder 4 Trial.  Tried to open my project in and I 
tried to update some build path properties.  One option is to "Use remote 
object access services", in the Flex Server tab  of project properties.  Maybe 
I'm not supposed to be using that check box at all?  

So If I select Live Cycle - because my only other options BlazeDS (which I'm 
certain I'm not using)..."Only LiveCycle Data Services 2.6 and higher are 
supported" is the error I get.  I suppose this wasn't introduced until a later 
SDK for web Services?  

So I just left it unchecked (not knowing if this will make my web-services 
unusable or not) and it let me proceed and compile...I have a few errors to 
sort out... 

However, as mixed up as I am, "relatively few problems" sounds like a good 


--- In, Jeffry Houser <jef...@...> wrote:
>   Do you mean that you're moving from Flex 2 to Flex 4?  Or from Flex 2 
> to Flash 4?  They mean radically different things.  I'm going to assume 
> you mean the former.
>   Did you download a trial of Flash Builder 4?  You said you hit a wall; 
> what wall did you hit?
>   When you say that "Web Services Not Using Live cycle"; I'm not sure 
> what that means.  But to me that sounds like it might be a problem with 
> your server side code.
>   It would be my expectation that compiling a Flex 2 application against 
> the Flex 4 SDK would present relatively few problems.
> On 6/23/2010 2:19 PM, flexnewbie06 wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > I would like to see our current code base updated from Flex 2.0.1 to 
> > Flash 4. We have many bugs inherent to the components in the SDK I 
> > would like to see resolved. The project is quite large...using web 
> > services and many many components(and States..I think these guys changed).
> >
> > I downloaded the trial for Flash 4 and tried to port some of our code 
> > over, but immediately hit a wall with the web services not using live 
> > cycle. So I am looking for some thoughts from you guys...aside from 
> > some of the web services being broken, am I looking at a whole of 
> > change? How much backwards compatibility does this migration support.
> >
> > Thanks so much for any suggestions.
> >
> > Jenn
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur
> Adobe Community Expert:
>  | Phone: 203-379-0773
> --
> Easy to use Interface Components for Flex Developers
> --
> --
> Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

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