I posted this question on stackoverflow.com a few months back and
unfortunately haven't gotten any responses. Any help would be much


Here's the question as it appears on SO:

Seemingly against all sense, specifying more than just your embedded
font in a font-family property breaks the font embedding and has your
app jump to the proceeding fonts in the font family. For example:

Embed works:
global { font-family: "HelveticaEmbedded"; }
Embed no longer works:
global { font-family: "HelveticaEmbedded", sans-serif; }
Is there a known fix or workaround to this? My problem is essentially
that for characters in the deep unicode ranges (other alphabets,
symbols), I'm unable to display anything but the actual unicode sequence
(\uxxxx), presumably because I lack a font-fallback.

For reference, this is how my font is embedded:
@font-face {      src: url("/fonts/HelveticaLTStd-Roman.otf");     
font-family: "HelveticaEmbedded";     embed-as-cff: true;    
font-weight: normal;     font-style: normal;     font-lookup:
embeddedCFF;     font-anti-alias-type: advanced;     unicode-range:
U+0041-005A, /* Upper-Case [A..Z] */         U+0061-007A, /* Lower-Case
a-z */         U+0030-0039, /* Numbers [0..9] */         U+002E-002E; /*
Period [.] */ }

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