Actually what Alex mentioned is correct too - I need to change the linkage
to "merged into codes well as upgrade to 4.5.1.


On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Baz <> wrote:

> My examples work in Flex 4.5.1, and monkey patching is not straightforward
> based on my Googling. Looks like no way out without upgrading.
> Baz
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Baz <> wrote:
>> Hey Alex,
>> I tried changing "Framework Linkage" to "Merged into Code" as well as
>> checking/unchecking "use local debug runtimes..." without much effect. I'm
>> reading your blog and piecing out what might apply to me. It's pretty
>> advanced stuff. The thing is the font is there - if I specify it directly in
>> RichEditableText it shows up. What is the container doing to TextFlow that I
>> am not, and how can I mimic that. I've introspected almost every property
>> and function of TextFlow, FlowComposer, ContainerController, TextFlowLine
>> and TextLine (I've been on this for many days now :). Judging by the output
>> of textFlowLine.getTextLine().textBlock.dump(), TLF is just not
>> aware/registering the font until after the container is rendered.
>> If you are curious to see it work and fail side-by-side in a simplified
>> compilable app, check out:
>> If you run it, you will notice 4 RichEditableTextContainers. The first two
>> use device fonts (Courier and Arial), and they are interpreted correctly.
>> The trace of the dump() in the console shows this nicely. The third box, in
>> red, is the problem. This box tries to employ an embeded font before the
>> container is rendered, and if you look at the trace, it's not accepting the
>> font and instead using the default Times New Roman. The fourth box is
>> exactly the same as the third box, but solves the problem by applying the
>> truncation at updateComplete, rather than on initialize. The trace shows the
>> font to be correct as well.
>>  Do you think all this is related to contexts and multiple swfs as you
>> describe in your blog?
>> Thanks!
>> What do you make of this? Is there a way to mimic what happens to textFlow
>> on updateComplete but inside initialize?
>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
>>> **
>>> See the embedded font post on my blog.  The control  needs to have the
>>> right SWF context.  Does it work if you turn off RSLs?
>>> On 10/25/11 3:01 AM, "Baz" <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Anyone have any idea why the embedded font in the following basic
>>> application does not show up?
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>> <s:Application
>>>           xmlns:fx="";
>>>           xmlns:s="library:// <
>>>> "
>>>           xmlns:mx="library:// <
>>>> "
>>>           creationComplete="application1_initializeHandler(event)"
>>>           minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
>>>           <fx:Script>
>>>                     <![CDATA[
>>>                               import flash.text.engine.FontLookup;
>>>                               import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
>>>                               import;
>>>                               import spark.utils.TextFlowUtil;
>>>                               [Embed(source="ZemkeHandITCTT.ttf",
>>> fontFamily="zem", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal",
>>> mimeType="application/x-font")]
>>>                               public const zem_embed_class:Class;
>>>                               protected var embeddedFontMarkup:XML =  <p
>>> fontFamily="zem" fontLookup="embeddedCFF"><span>Some content</span></p>;
>>>                               protected function
>>> application1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void          {
>>>                                         var textFlow:TextFlow =
>>> TextFlowUtil.importFromXML(embeddedFontMarkup);
>>>                                         textFlow.fontFamily = 'zem';
>>>                                         textFlow.fontLookup =
>>> FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
>>>                                         one.textFlow = textFlow;
>>>                               }
>>>                     ]]>
>>>           </fx:Script>
>>>           <s:RichEditableText id="one" width="500" height="204"
>>> renderingMode="cff" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" />
>>> </s:Application>
>>> I know the font works because if I specify *any* embedded font directly
>>> in the RichEditableText, the specified embedded fonts shows up.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Baz
>>> --
>>> Alex Harui
>>> Flex SDK Team
>>> Adobe System, Inc.

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