Seeing a strange, rare, issue after updating an app to 4.6.  I can't seem to 
reproduce it in a dev environment, so I'll list out my issue and setup to see 
if it sounds familiar to anyone.

The problem:
Visual components seem to occasionally "forget" the objects they're bound to.  
For instance, I have something like this:

<s:Label text="{model.selectedMonth}" />

When the problem occurs, the "selectedMonth" in the label component is correct, 
say, February.  But the DropDownList will display a blank.  Even though the 
DropDownList contains all the months, meaning models.months is bound correctly.

I tried adding:

The addition changed the behavior.  No more blanks!  But now, instead of 
blanks, selectedMonth is showing something random like "May".

App has been in production in various versions of Flex 3 for two years without 
ever seeing this.  Upgrading to Flex 4 and swapping out some Halo components 
with equivalent Spark ones, users, myself included, began noticing this 
phenomenon.  I cannot seem to reproduce it in a reliable fashion.  But I've 
gotten some feedback based on some attempted fixes pushed out to users.

Troubleshooting so far:
Since it normally works, there's no super-obvious things missing, like an 
uninitialized pointer, missing "Bindable" tag, accidental = assignment instead 
of == comparison, etc.

Also, we know the variable references are pointing to the correct place.  
model.selectedMonth is showing up fine for a label just underneath the 
dropdown.  model.months is being referenced just fine by the dropdown itself.  
It's just the display of model.selectedMonth in the dropdown.  Upon saving, the 
model.month property correctly propagates itself to the DB, even when the 
dropdown is displaying the wrong value.  Switching between one-way and two-way 
bindings don't seem to make a difference either.  I noted above that I tried 
forcing requireSelection="true", which does prevent the DropDownList from being 
blanked-out, but doesn't force it to stay on the correct value.

I thought it might be related to just the DropDownList component, but the 
problem is also occurring on s:TextInput's text property.  Seems like when it 
happens with the TextInput component (showing a blank value), it's doing so for 
all the TextInput components.  I'm not so sure if it's happening for all 
DropDownList elements, though.

App setup:
I have an mx:ViewStack attached to hide/show effects with two containers inside 
(loggedOff/loggedOn), and a TabNavigator within that.  I think the problems are 
only occurring after switching between states for the ViewStack.  So after the 
components are hidden and come back.  I remembered back to the Flex 2 ViewStack 
issue where bindings didn't refresh, and added the old workaround to my code:  

This didn't fix it.  Anything else I can look at or try?  Anyone else 
experience this before?  Any chance it's related to the framework instead of my 

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