Hi Rich, I'd answer your question if I could, but haven't worked much with Flex on mobile devices.
Re-post your question as a new thread and hopefully a few others will see it. You've accidentally put it buried down the thread chain of a fairly obscure question :-) --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Richard Albrecht <Rich@...> wrote: > > Hi, > > First time writing to a group in many years. I'm basically a noob with Flash > Builder 4.5 and flex. > > I right now have 2 questions: > > 1. I have an engineering app that I have running in the desktop. So the next > step is take it mobile. Why don't the screens have the ability to zoom with a > pinch? I have a screen that has a large datagrid and I want to make the text > bigger, but then part of the grid moves off screen and you can't scroll over > to see the hidden data. I thought this was available in all mobile apps. > > 2. The question on Scaling. What is the best way. What DPI should I have it > set to. We also want a tablet version. Is there any good docs on the best way > to accomplish this. Is using states a way. This one is I'm sure fairly > complicated. > > Thanks and I hope I get faster responses here than on Adobe's forums. > > Thanks > > > Rich >