Offering an argument from the other end of the spectrum, Java is free, but Java developers aren't, and development in Java often takes a *lot* longer than in CF. And you don't necessarily need a CF Enterprise license to develop in CF or to put an app in production. The Standard license is much less, i believe something like $1200, Developer version of CF is free, and there are plenty of hosting options available to fit any budget.

In the long run, developing an app in Java can be MUCH more expensive than doing it in CF. That $7000 can easily become a drop in the bucket, so to speak, in certain circumstances. If you need the low level capabilities of Java for something, you can always drop down into Java to write them. When you don't, then CF development usually is much faster for a developer with comparable skills, especially these days with the set of frameworks that have been developed for CF ... Reactor, ColdSpring, Model-Glue, Fusebox, etc.

Bottom line, depending on the application, you can use both Java and ColdFusion on a CF server and reap the benefits of both. Rapid development with CF, and low level functionality with Java on the (mostly rare) occasions when you need it.

Kelly @ Dekayd Media Inc. wrote:

ColdFusion compiles to Java and it doesn’t offer all the features of Java.


It also costs about $7000 per enterprise license (last time I checked).



Java is free.




As for any of the other competitors I cannot say.





From: [] On Behalf Of Brendan Meutzner
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Question


So how about we take this off on a tangent a bit... why would I use Java instead of ColdFusion or vice versa?  The floor is open...  My apologies if this has already been discussed, but I don't remember seeing anything.

On 6/7/06, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:




From: [] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 5:13 PM

Subject: [flexcoders] Question


Does Flex and Java work well together



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