Hey Barry - thanks for the reply. I sort of get your explaination. ValueObjects and binding UI to them. But is it a two way street with results from a webservice? Do results bind to the VO as well?

As you can tell - I'm not ready for Cairngorm yet! I've got to get down with screwing things up my way first, and understand *why* I'm screwing up as well, if you get me. Then perhaps I'll understand what the benefits would be of using such a framework. Sounds weird I know, but unless I really get what a ViewHelper or a Controller is I'll be screwed again, and it'll be much harder to get myself out of any mess. :)

I guess it's time to buy that Flex book...

On 6/9/06, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you mean like this? (from a cairngorm sample)
package com.mycompany.phones.model {


public dynamic class PhoneVO {....etc////

my understanding: the data gets bound to an object (which is pard of the model)

import com.mycompany.phones.model.PhoneVO;

public var phone:PhoneVO;

and the UI is bound to that

not the best explainiation, sorry....


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