Great to here that Matt, that will ensure a long live for Flex and finish with a lot of frustration when working with this excelent framework.

Thanks again for listening : )


On 6/21/06, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are certainly looking into things like this for the future but haven't figured out the exact right thing to do.  There are plenty of things that we would need to be concerned about from a support perspective if essentially daily builds of the framework were available.


We do have plans to release updates more frequently in general.




From: [] On Behalf Of Carlos Rovira
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 2:19 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] [F2B3] Could Adobe make Flex Framework available trough SVN?



I want to point to the great post by Joe Berkovitz about the tree bugs in the last Beta3.  Other bugs can be find as well in some mails to this list, and other blogs out there. I found as well working with the tree a little frustrating, and knowing that there's a lot of bugs, I decided to wait for next SDK release.

But...this way of getting bugs fixeds seems a little slow, don't you think? I'd want to know if people at Adobe thinks about this as I'm sure that we don't want to live again the same problems in flash mx 2004 v2 components ---- to --- flex 1.5 framework.

I'm talking about a way to get updates as soon as Adobe engineers fix the bugs. As the framework is free but no open source, Adobe control the source and we could send patches, but they can use that users patches or not...that's ok. But we could put the framework in SVN and available to all of us so we could get changes as soon they upload a patch.

I want to know if all of this makes sense. This method will end with :

1.- waiting until next release. we need more dinamic approach
2.- Avoid to have a framework full of bugs as old framework version since v2 to current days.

Hope this idea make sense, and we could get less frustrated as we work with the framework...

::| Carlos Rovira

::| Carlos Rovira
::| __._,_.___

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