Thanks for responding, My initial worry was not that all my questions are not getting answered. It was more like if Adobe wants to get into the dev realm and be active in convincing existing MS dev people to make a switch to Flex from the upcoming WPF/e and WPF platforms, their community support and involvement needs to be greater then that of MS on a per dev basis. The product is only 20% of the work effort to see a real success, the other 80% is execution, and actions required to get a user base that makes future development worth while.


Convincing developers to change platforms will be much harder then convincing designers. MS has to convince the designers, and Adobe need to convince the developers. Adobes task is much greater.


I’m afraid that the post came off as someone whining cause his questions don’t get answered which was not at all the intent.


I frequent the MS channle9 and MS forums often as I use their products, there is no talk about Flex/Apollo only WPF/Ajax/WPFE. I’m an avid tech blog reader, tech magazine reader, all around anything tech, and see no mention or little thereof of Flex. I heard the first time of Flex 1.5 last June? How long has it been out? I’m a dev that’s always looking for new technology to solve problems, so how is this possible.


This worries me too the core about the future of Flex. It’s a viable platform, and very powerful, however Macromedia has/had a reputation in the Dev world (animations etc..) Adobe has a rep in the Dev world (it’s just for designers). So how can Adobe hope to unclench the Dev world that MS fights so much to protect? It takes much more then a superior product to make it happen. MS is a PR machine. Unless Adobe gets very involved (very being an understatement) how does Adobe hope to accomplish this? The only way is better execution combined with superior involvement/support, and then hope that the word of mouth becomes viral.


To become viral you need the story which Flex has, and the people to spread that. The story of Flex is not getting out there enough.


I believe that Flex has the potential to stop MS WPF/e in it’s tracks, but the buck starts here, not in 6 months, and not in 2.


Anyway enough rambling, I’ll just continue to do my part where I can to ensure my investment pay’s off.


Again my apologies if it came off the wrong way.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]De la part de Gordon Smith
Envoyé : vendredi 23 juin 2006 08:10
À :
Objet : RE: [flexcoders] Please Adobe. Unanswered questions, and building the community

My understanding is that Adobe support engineers don't generally start supporting products until they are released (and therefore the product is stable). It's up to the development team to support alpha, beta, and GMC releases and we do that to the best of our abilities as we have spare time. We're currently helping to train the Flex support engineers to take over this work since we are about to release.

Also, some of us are paying a bit more attention to the "official" forums and a bit less to flexcoders, but we try to monitor multiple places if possible.

Finally, we're also missing Matt Chotins's contribution... he got promoted to Product Manager.

- Gordon

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jason Hawryluk
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:58 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Please Adobe. Unanswered questions, and building the community

If they would confirm it's a bug then yes I agree, If they read them all how
hard is it to respond with a simple it's a bug, should be able to do that,
try looking into here or this. The questions asked are not considered
trivial in my mind, it's not like I've ever asked how to build a cell
renderer or anything (not that that's bad). It's rare I do not have the help
up at the same time as flex, I refer to it very often.

I feel the post has been taken in a critical sense. I want to see Flex
succeed as much as the next person, however to think that a strong community
can be built without considerable contributions from the maker, is kind of
hard to imagine. Where would Java be today if Sun did spend a considerable
effort, and expense in its community building?

"A couple of questions answered here, and there will not do it. " May have
been out of line :)

Anyway thanks for the input.


-----Message d'origine-----
part de Tom Chiverton
Envoyé : jeudi 22 juin 2006 10:56
Objet : Re: [flexcoders] Please Adobe. Unanswered questions, and
building the community

On Thursday 22 June 2006 09:16, sourcecoderia wrote:
> bothered, or it's a bug. Since the first thought is that they can't
> be bothered we continue to try and find a solution to the problem,
> until completely frustrated.

There is an official (read $$$) support channel, and there are unofficial
support channels (like here).
Here is provided by community members and a few people from Adobe, basically
(as I see it) on a best effort basis.
This is not the place to report bugs (though it's useful to report them here
too for everyone to see).

> questions then I have had answered, I participated in the alpha
> testing, I've reported bug's in this forum. All this I'm very willing
> to do, and continue doing. However your community support people
> could at least take the time and read the question, and either
> confirm it as a bug, not possible, or give an idea of where to look.

I agree with you right up to the last bit - Adobe should not have to respond
to every single post. Just rest assured they really do read them all.

> Why are there no tutorials except the few you have done to get people
> up to speed, where is all the learn by example stuff, tips, general
> community building. Surly you can invest in some full time community
> support personnel.

I'm sure there will be a ton of this e.g. DevNet articles, later this month.
Assuming Adobe really are planning the Flex2 release announcement for

> A
> couple of questions answered here, and there will not do it.

I think thats rather on the low side :-)

> questions. Any answer is better then none.

I've said before that I try and go back over no-child posts older than a few
days and say at least *something*, but sometimes it's over my head, doesn't
have a simple cut'n'paste test case, or just a case of needing to read the
manual (hell, it's got a search button !) in which case I've got tired of
saying the latter :-)

Overall, Adobe are certainly going in the same good, open, direction MM
were -
and I'm, sure there is more to come.

Tom Chiverton


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