----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] A general Flex application deployment question..

I dont quite understand. Arent *all* flex applications remotely served? Isnt that what it means to have an application on the internet? Perhaps you could explain what scenario you are thinking about where a flex app isnt remote?

Hi Hank,
The scenario I was thinking about primarily is where applications are served on an intranet. In this case the health of the intranet and any server connected to it is usually/often under the jurisdiction of the company using the application, so any infrastructure problems are, in the main, in-house.
A web application may then be very similar to a desktop one, because desktop applications in a company environment are often reliant on a healthy network/servers in order to function (network shares, database connectivity, network security, etc.).
In this way, intranet deployed Flex applications have very similar deployment risks/vulnerabilities to desktop apps (but none of the desktop installation hassle).
All this contrasts with loading a Flex App from a remote server where you may not have control of the infrastructure between the desktop and remote server, neither may you have control over the remote server and it's local infrastructure.
I hope that explains my view a bit better.

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