Tim, it's a joke, please don't hungry! I know that its only a simple code, and the best practices don't match with the article purpuoses.

2006/10/11, Matias Nicolas Sommi < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
In this page say "flex and NET don't play well together"... after I readed the "ASP NET" code, I think that this flex programmer (who write the doc) don't play well with .NET... :P
PD: I don't play very well with the english, sorry.
Matías Nicolás Sommi

2006/10/11, Tim Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Sajid,

Datasets returned from .Net aren't natively recognized by Flex.  To solve this, you can either use a stored procedure with FOR XML AUTO, or cast your dataset to a class.  Here is a casting example:



P.S. Yes, WebOrb allows you to return datasets.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com, Sajid Hussain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi to all .
> I am new to flex Development ,I am stuck with following concepts
> I have one webservice method who is returning DataSet ,What will be the best way to retrive Datafrom it I m getting player parsing error
> Is necceasry to get Data as Custom Objects from .net to flex
> I saw one example whos is getting data ftom .net but giving customs to Objects ..
> How we will bind Custom Objects attributes with Flex ??
> Is there any way to get .net DataTable to Flex
> plz suggest me help withour weborb...
> Please do reply ..
> Thanks
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Matías Nicolás Sommi __._,_.___

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