Sorry for reply to myself - but this is driving me _nuts_!  I can't
find an example of bindSetter with a 'real' accessor function with
either yahoo or google.  And the example on the 'bindUtils' page at (stuck in the comments at the bottom) - doesn't bind to a
'function set blah'... (isn't that the _required_ to consider a
funciton/method a 'setter' ??)  It just binds to a 'normal' function.

Anyway, I'm starting to think that 'bindSetter' is really a poorly
named 'bindFunction' and that _all_ properties - var OR accessor based
should be using bindProperty.

Can someone confirm/refute this and save my sanity please!


On 12/3/06, Steve Hindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got to be missing something silly here:
>  _model:Model;
> BindSetter(_model.title,...   ? String to Function coercion error
> BindSetter(_model.title()...  ? Inaccessible method title error
> I thought about _model.title as Function - but that seems like it
> would interpret the title string as a function name ?  So what is the
> right syntax for this?
> I also noticed the same problem with setters defined in the same AS
> file - I get a 'blah to Function coercion error' ??
> TIA!

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