If your item renderer was a VBox you could set verticalAlign to middle. 
That might slow your app down if you have a lot of rows with VBoxes 
versus just plain Components.


Pan Troglodytes a écrit :
> Is there any way to vertically center text?  Specifically, I have a 
> datagrid column that I want to have the text centered vertically in.
>             <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name">
>               <mx:itemRenderer>
>                 <mx:Component>
>                   <mx:Label text="{data.fullName}"/>
>                 </mx:Component>
>               </mx:itemRenderer>
>             </mx:DataGridColumn>
> Since there is also a image field, the height of each row is a lot 
> higher than the text and I don't like how it looks.
> I can't find any property that seems to apply.  I know there is a 
> "verticalCenter" property, but it takes an int and seems to be 
> completely undocumented in the Flex help.  I've also tried working 
> with styles but I couldn't find anything that would apply.
> -- 
> Jason

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