Oops wrong key...


The code is opensource so you can see how it works... here's the call it
makes. (This is cairngorm v2)



       * Return the WebService for the given service id.

       * @param serviceId the service id.

       * @return the RemoteObject.


      public function getWebService( serviceId : String ) : WebService


         return WebService( getServiceForId( serviceId ) );




       * Return the service with the given id.

       * @param serviceId the id of the service to return.

       * @return the service.


      private function getServiceForId( serviceId : String ) : Object


         if ( this[ serviceId ] == null )


            throw new CairngormError(

               CairngormMessageCodes.NO_SERVICE_FOUND, serviceId );



         return this[ serviceId ];



And when you look at the code... it grabs the instance of your service
from the ServiceLocator.mxml file.


For example:


<YourServiceLocatorSubClass>.getInstance().loginService;  which equals
this[ "loginService" ] which equals this.loginService.


It's just a fancy way of saying this.loginSevice where this is


You used to be able to simply include the cairngorm framework code and
step through it... it's a little trickier now that they're using
resource bundles.


The ServiceLocator class is a singleton as well.  You will only EVER
have one in your application so even though you are creating a subclass
as soon as you call getInstance() you will get the only instance there
is in your application.  If you had two Services.mxml files
(Service1.mxml and Services2.mxml) in your app the last one created
would be the one returned by ServiceLocator.getInstance();


Hope that helps.


p.s. Is it true that Bell Canada has been using Flex since it was
Royale?  I used to live in Calgary so just curious.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 10:53 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm ServiceLocator


I'm a little confused.


How come I can ask com.adobe.cairngorm.business.ServiceLocator for a
service from an MXML component which is a "sub-class" of ServiceLocator?




<cairngorm:ServiceLocator ...>

            <mx:WebService name="myService" ... />




var theService =



How does ServiceLocator know what a "myService" is?  It's not defined in


It works, I just don't understand why...  What is the relationship
between an MXML file and an AS class that makes this happen?


Jay Proulx

Application Developer

Internet Delivery Services - eVision Team


(613) 783-6711



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