
I see the error. I created a project using your code, and when I
compiled it, I got the same error. It's being thrown in
ListBase.scrollVertically() at line 5346:

numCols = listItems[i].length;

According to the comments, protected var listItems is:

*  An Array of Arrays that contains
*  the itemRenderer instances that render each data provider item.
*  This is a two-dimensional row major array
*  (array of rows that are arrays of columns).

Since the error indicates that "A term is undefined and has no
properties" it seems that the function continues to loop after all of
the itemRenderer instances have been evaluated, resulting in a null
pointer exception. 

The loop is defined as follows: 

for (i = lockedRowCount; i < rowCount; i++)

So the loop continues for the length of rowCount, which is defined as

var rowCount:int = rowInfo.length;

>From all of this, it appears that rowInfo.length > listItems.length,
which evidently should not happen. 

Have you filed this as a bug report with Adobe?


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