You should try using ServiceCapture or Charles debugging proxy to 
inspect the data being sent over the wire when an error occurs.


qnotemedia a écrit :
> I have two Flex apps using all of the above that perform flawlessly on
> my localhost, but after moving them to, they have
> sporadic issues. Its always an error statement that I have created, in
> a Flex fault return, though I'm not entirely sure if where
> the actual error is taking place - I would assume in CF.
> What I have is two CFCs, one with all of my DB-changing functions, and
> the other with my get-data-only functions. At the beginning of my app,
> I call out maybe seven webservice calls to the read-only CFC to grab
> data, and again, while it works perfect on my localhost, once on
> hostmysite, anywhere from 1-3 of these may or may not fail. Its very
> random. Many times, the app will work just fine. I wanted to use
> remote object, but unfortunately, hostmysite doesn't support this, so
> I'm stuck with WebService.
> Where do you think these random failures are happening, why is it
> happening, and what can I do about it?

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