I just tried to make same thing yesterday.
Collecting values is not a problem, and there is no problem with adding that
row to dataProvider.
Though I ran in huge problems while trying to keep that line on bottom of
dataGrid when user is rearanging data in table.
Code looked something like this:
     private function onSorting(event:DataGridEvent):void {
               setTimeout(function ():void {
                   for(var i:uint = 0; i<displayTable.dataProvider.length;
                       if(displayTable.dataProvider[i].num == "") {
                           var totals:Object =
               }, 10);
setTimeout is needed because DataGridEvent.HEADER_RELEASE is broadcasted
before actual rearranging of data.
This code actually never worked as I wanted to. I cought some strange tihngs
during testing like
displayTable.dataProvider.addItemAt(totals, 3);
trace(displayTable.dataProvider.getItemIndex(totals)); wont trace 3, but
last value, so theres maybe a bug in ArrayCollection class, or thats only me
who is doing something wrong.

Anyways, if someone has ideas how to keep one row constantly at bottom, I
preciate that.


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