I have created two classes that extend ChartElement, one for zooming
and one for panning.  Both work as wanted if applied separately to a
chart using the annotationElements.  However, if I apply both only one
of the two will ever catch a MouseDown rather than both.  I worked out
how to implement the classes in the first place by looking at the
InteractiveBubble example on the Quietly Scheming website

The jist is that I have overridden the updateDisplayList(..) function
with the following to ensure the Pan or Zoom catches the mouse event:

override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,

Clearly the problem I am having when I have two classes using this
same technique being used at the same time is because one of the
"rectangles" is on top of the other.

I realise that combining the pan and zoom into a single class, as is
done in the Quietly Scheming example, would solve the problem but it
is not appropriate for my intensions.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a clean solution?

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