On Jan 17, 2007, at 10:27 AM, Patrick Mineault wrote:
So you either have to make sure you do receive the VO type
you expect, using instanceof or is_a, or you should only use "dumb" VOs
which don't have any methods.

I think that this is an important point, so I want to make sure I understand what you are saying since I have been debating whether to use VO's in my PHP.

I can create dummy VO's as you suggested (which is essentially what my Flex VO's are), but I have been wondering what advantage I get from using VO's at all in PHP unless I attempt to implement an ORM approach and actually map the PHP VO directly to the MYSQL tables and abstract my SQL into these objects. I have been a little wary of this approach (for reasons other than security) since I need a more flexibility in my inserts, AND it sounds like you would not recommend this either due to the security holes it could reveal.

However, the other advantage of VO's on the PHP side is to allow them to manage the deserialization of my MySQL results, and thus fully organize them into objects that can be easily mapped back to Flex. So...

a) Does this present as big a security issue?

b) Is a good way to approach the mapping of PHP to Flex? How are others solving this problem.

c) If one could spoof a VO, wouldn't it be just as easy to spoof a method call (assuming I take a more procedural approach).

I guess I don't fully understand why the procedural approach is more secure than the VO approach.

I am new to understanding web security, so forgive me if I am being naive...

thanks, Kevin

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