Hello everybody,

Is there anything other than WebORB out there for .net connectivity? 
We are looking to use reliable/realtime messaging services, and it 
appears that other than java or coldfusion the options are limited.
Now, this has to be connected and realtime, so WebService approach is 
out of the question. We can't do polling either because of the delay 
and heavy requests (want to notify the client whenever data is updated 
vs. polls every seconds).

Is there any other framework out there that will let us integrate flex 
and FDS with a .net backend? Or even any code examples to point in the 
right directions? We're working with C# currently.

Thank you in advance for any pointers, I'm pretty new to this and it 
looks like flex has a ton of potential, just don't want to write our 
own tcp server from scratch :(

Thank you!

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