Hello All,

I am getting confused, as to which method I should use, for simply
panning around an Image/SWF file.

I did follow Michael's suggestions, and looked at the quick "Dragging an
Image to Canvas" tutorial contained in the help files.  My understanding
is a little deeper, when it comes to using DragManager - but in my case,
I am getting some odd results.

For the purposes of strictly panning Objects around, startDrag() is
providing me better "Visual Results" - as it happens in real-time when
dragging the mouse around.  When using doDrag(), it makes a copy of the
Object (I suppose, it's the Proxy being dragged) and then finishes the
move, upon the mouse release.  Also, for some reason, when using
doDrag(), the Object doesn't always move the same distance, when
compared to the distance of the mouse drag.  Really weird...  And it
gets worse, the more distance I move the mouse.  One last thing too, the
ImageProxy appears Outside of the container, when dragging the Image -
and in my case, my SWF File is 2,000 x 2,200 - so you can imagine the
whole screen filling up with my Image.

Since I am not doing any advanced functions, and just want to move the
Image around on the Screen, would it be acceptable to use startDrag()?

I guess what I REALLY need to find out, is if startDrag() and stopDrag()
will eventually be deprecated, or be considered NOT the way to handle
dragging Objects around.

Could any of you shed some additional light on this topic?

Thanks in advance,


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