
Pagination using Flex FDS should be simple. Nevertheless i'ts hard
finding examples of succesfull implementations using pagination with
Flex Data Management Service.

Configuring the destination is eaasy. For example:
     <destination id="product">
         <adapter ref="java-dao" />


                 <identity property="productId"/>

                 <paging enabled="true" pageSize="5" />
                 <throttle-inbound policy="ERROR" max-frequency="500"/>
                 <throttle-outbound policy="REPLACE"

But what's the intended way to navigate through the pages returned?  (Or
is pagination only intended for optimised network trafic and will the
result of ds.fill() always return the full result of the fill() method?)

I'm looking for the best "next page", "previous page", "last page",
"first page" solution using FDS.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Best regards,


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