Do you mean the date the swf was compiled?

Not sure if there is an easier way, but here is a high level of what
we do. We do all our builds with ANT, and we use some custom ANT tasks
that creates an .as file with build info.  Then our main application
mxml includes that and we can display that build info in an about dialog.

Our custom task does a few things, it fetches build id's from
subversion, which is what we use for source control.  It also gets the
user name of the user doing the build, the date of the build and the
date the subversion repository was modified for the build id we are
building with.

I'd be interested to know if there is a way to get more build info
from within flex itself. But our system works well.  We also use a
similar process for our web services which we can fetch in our
application and display along with our other build info.  The main
purpose being for QA defect tracking.


--- In, "Steve Kellogg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any 'best practices' method to deriving the BUILD DATE of a
> Flex application?
> Thanks in Advance.
> Steve

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