I have a viewstack, that contains two sub components. One (the first)
is simply a small login panel. (its actually just a canvas with text
fields and a header etc inside it). The second is what is shown once
the user is logged in; its also a large canvas, with a function app
inside that component. 

So my code looks like this:

<mx:ViewStack width="800" height="600" maxHeight="600" maxWidth="800"
selectedChild="{getView(false)}" id="myViewStack">
        <view:LoggedInView id="LoggedInView" />
        <view:loginPanel id="LoginView" />

So I want to have the loginPanel displayed in the center of the
available real estate, regardless of screen real estate, (some viewers
might be 1024x 768 and some might be 800 x 600) is there anyway to
automatically center the loginPanel component in the parent view stack? 


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