Looks very promising :)



PD:mmm... no body else seems to be interested in this proyect? people know
about the benefits of a IoC container?

19 Apr 2007 04:03:30 -0700, Christophe Herreman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  Hi Carlos,

I don't really have an official roadmap, but here are some of the things
I'd like to achieve:
- IoC container
- IoC utils for frameworks like Cairngorm and ARP
- AOP framework
- Mock Objects for FlexUnit
- Reflection API
- general utilities

Reading this myself, it looks very optimistic ;-) but the motivation is
there so, what the heck.

A first version of the Reflection API has just been added to the SVN
repo BTW.


Carlos Rovira schreef:
> Hi Christophe,
> That's soooo cool :), I saw you first two post as you publish and hope
> try it soon.
> Do you have some road map for prana? what could we expect in future
> versions?
> A great effort :)
> 17 Apr 2007 13:08:04 -0700, Christophe Herreman <[EMAIL 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <lists%40herrodius.com>>>:
> Hi guys,
> thought some of you might be interested in this: I recently started
> working on an Inversion of Control container (ala Spring) for
> ActionScript 3. Some of the core functionalities are working now
> and I
> just moved the project to SourceForge where it can be found at
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/prana/.
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/prana/.>
> You can read the announcement here:
> http://www.herrodius.com/blog/?p=67
> <http://www.herrodius.com/blog/?p=67>
> best regards,
> Christophe
> --
> ::| Carlos Rovira
> ::| http://www.carlosrovira.com <http://www.carlosrovira.com>
> ::| http://www.madeinflex.com <http://www.madeinflex.com>

::| Carlos Rovira
::| http://www.carlosrovira.com
::| http://www.madeinflex.com

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