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On 4/19/07, hoffsm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I've been trying to get the coldfusion/flex communication to work on
and off for about 6 months and I just can't get it to work. I can't
figure out how to use the CFC's and I can't seem to follow the
examples that are supposed to guide me through setting up my "first

I am following an Adobe tutorial

Error during fill: Data source FlexDataServices could not be found.

I get the following error:

The error occurred in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\samples\contact\ContactAssembler.cfc: line 28

26 : <cfset msg = "Error during fill: " & cfcatch.message >
27 : </cfif>
28 : <cfthrow message="#msg#">
29 : </cfcatch>
30 : <!--- If anything else happened, report the error --->

I really want to start using flex and coldfusion but I just can't get
the cfc/coldfusion to work. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I am not a diabetic, I have diabetes
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