Oh, one more question on this Alex. If you run the test, you'll see the selectedIndex changes when setting the selectedIndices. I don't show it in this example but even if I saved it off (-1) and set it, it will still change to 0. I bothers me that it's not symmetric - not sure if it's a problem or not.


On Oct 1, 2007, at 4:14 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

You fell into a hole created by our attempt to allow you to specify selectedIndex/Indices on the MXML tag and set the collection later after a server fetch. Having a collection of length=0 queues the selection request so it got applied after you set it later. A workaround would be:

// simulate delete all then add back


if ( clearData.selected )

list.selectedIndices = new Array();



if ( clearData.selected )


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