Afternoon all,


Does anyone on this list have any experience of deploying Livecycle DS
over a clustered environment?


This question arises from the 'Adobe LifeCycle Data Services ES
Developer's Guide'.


The sections around clustering, from page 481, imply that there are only
2 options regarding the deployment of an application attempting to
exploit data push:


1)                   Use a load balancer that is configured to use
sticky sessions, and that therefore establishes a stateful connection
between a client and only ONE of the application servers in a cluster.

2)                   Introduce JGroups into your application. The
configuration of JGroups requires knowledge of the servers in the target
network (which is not known in a 3rd party cluster). This is inflexible
and is not a scalable configuration, in that as servers are added or
removed each deployment configuration has to be updated to reflect this
change. It appears to be another way of replicating some kind of session
state which bypasses the transparent clustering capability of (for
example) Oracle Application Server, introducing an additional and
undesirable bespoke solution.


Is our understanding of these options correct. Are these the only
options available in relation to configuring Flex for data push from
server to client.


Can we, for example, use a load balancer that is not configured for
sticky sessions and have required state replicated by the application
server containers transparently to the deployed application without
using JGroups?


This is a real sticking point for us, as we really like what DS gives us
out of the box, but if it reduces our capabilities in such a manner, it
will be a non-starter.



Gregor Kiddie
Senior Developer

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