--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Sheriff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I have been trying to learn flex now for almost 9 month and i 
pretty much still don't know much to get me anywhere. 

Just take the right-colored pill and enter the Matrix. Then, you can 
download the knowledge into your brain directly ;)

Or, you can do like most of us that have been programming for 20+ 
years: work 300-hour months, forget your social life, and drink lots 
of caffeine. Don't forget to come up for air every now and then.

At least today's generation has google. Back in the day, all we had 
was Knuth (if you have not heard of Knuth, then it may be the problem 
that you have not "gotten it" after 9 months at Flex.

There are no shortcuts in programming -- either you spend the 
required amount of time, living through the simple and major mistakes 
one can (and will) make, or don't bother.

Just don't do what I did and start with Assembler. Although it was 
better in the long run, there's no need for the headaches these days.

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