As long as other old timers are sittin' around the diner tellin' lies 
I can add my two cents.

My first language was in High School, Burroughs B200 machine 
language "No assembly required".

The question is not how best to teach yourself Flex, but how best to 
become a programmer. Is Flex the right tool for this? I think it is 
as good as any, although the event driven model might make some 
things more challenging (it still bugs the crap outa me from time to 
time). I believe that teaching yourself the discipline of programming 
is much more important than whatever language you use to do it.

To do this you may want to start by analyzing everyday things that 
you do or see. For example the next time you go into a restaurant or 
store, look at how things are laid out and look for the patterns in 
workflow. Create a game out of how you would improve the systems you 
see. To do this you will need to break things down into their 
simplest actions and decisions, and then put them back together. Once 
you do this a while you will start thinking in modular ways that will 
help as you develop systems.

For me, the best way to teach myself a new language is to read a 
little and check out some online tutorials until they put me to 
sleep, and do a "Hello World". Once through this phase, (call it the 
first 2 dates) it's time to do a real program. This is the third 
date, you take the language to a drive-in, and see whether you can 
get to third base, or perhaps a home run. If the passion still burns 
the next day, the next step is to move in together, start a real 
project. This can be small, but something that is real. I am 
converting a large inquiry system written in ASP to Flex for my first 
project, and other than fighting over the Flex's nasty habits of 
leaving the top off the toothpaste, and leaving its things all around 
it's going well.

This is just how I go about it.


--- In, "tomeuchre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Sheriff <sherif626@> wrote:
> >
> > So I have been trying to learn flex now for almost 9 month and i 
> pretty much still don't know much to get me anywhere. 
> Just take the right-colored pill and enter the Matrix. Then, you 
> download the knowledge into your brain directly ;)
> Or, you can do like most of us that have been programming for 20+ 
> years: work 300-hour months, forget your social life, and drink 
> of caffeine. Don't forget to come up for air every now and then.
> At least today's generation has google. Back in the day, all we had 
> was Knuth (if you have not heard of Knuth, then it may be the 
> that you have not "gotten it" after 9 months at Flex.
> There are no shortcuts in programming -- either you spend the 
> required amount of time, living through the simple and major 
> one can (and will) make, or don't bother.
> Just don't do what I did and start with Assembler. Although it was 
> better in the long run, there's no need for the headaches these 

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